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Servants House Of Prayer, Publishing, and Proclamation, The

Biblical Myths and Lies We Believe about God, Satan, Heaven, Hell, and Spirituality in the Supernatural Realm (Spiritual, and Natural Myths, Lies, and Deceptions)

Biblical Myths and Lies We Believe about God, Satan, Heaven, Hell, and Spirituality in the Supernatural Realm (Spiritual, and Natural Myths, Lies, and Deceptions)

ISBN-13: 9781949947045
Regular price $11.17
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Separates and reveals God's Truth from Satan's lies about the Bible, God, the Devil, Heaven, Hell, etc. Proof all this "spiritual stuff" including angels, demons, God, Satan, Heaven, and Hell IS REAL.Includes:1. Digital photos of an angel will change your life, forever.2. Christian Education: growth and maturity in the ways of God in today's world.3. Common Myths about God dispelledFalse "teachers" leading people with "itchy ears" into the ditch of destruction.4. God and Satan are Equal Opposites, Right?5. How all this spiritual stuff is NOT a joke and perception may NOT be reality.6. How God and Satan are similar, but different7. How not all things spiritual are godly,knowing the difference.8. How to know the godly from the ungodly today?9. Did Jesus come to Earth as God, man, or both?10. Proving God without the Bible. 11. The Secret of knowing God personally. 12. Universalism, everyone goes to Heaven. Right? 13. Who has all the answers to all our questions, about everything? 14. Why God and the Bible ARE NOT Optional today.Some Topics Discussed:1. A place called Heaven2. Afterlife proof book.3. American gods4. Bible studies.5. Bible study commentary6. Biblical Theology7. Bibliology8. Christian mythology books9. Church of God10. Church of Satan.11. God and Satan are real12. God v. Satan13. God's Sovereignty14. Gods and goddess books 15. Gods of magic16. Heaven adjacent17. Greek mythology18. Legends and myths19. Living a new life in Christ Jesus20. Living in Jesus21. Lucifer22. Meet God23. Mythology24. Names of God 25. Names of Satan26. Occult fiction27. Occult practices28. Occultism29. Paradise30. Power of God over Satan 31. Roman mythology books32. Satanism 33. See God34. Spiritual growth books35. Spiritual Health36. Spiritual personal37. Spiritual self-help38. Spiritual warfare39. Spiritualism and Christianity40. Spiritualism books41. Stories of Heaven Hell42. Tales of Demons and God43. The Devil, Father of Lies

  • | Author: Marvin Lee Adkins
  • | Publisher: Servants House Of Prayer, Publishing, and Proclamation, The
  • | Publication Date: Nov 30, 2018
  • | Number of Pages: 118 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1949947041
  • | ISBN-13: 9781949947045
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