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Book of the Black Sun (Multiversal Metaphysics & Sorcery)

Book of the Black Sun (Multiversal Metaphysics & Sorcery)

ISBN-13: 9781798485613
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This book documents the manifestations of the Black Sun's power in our thoughts, our lives, and the world at large. It is a first written testament of the philosophy, symbology, sorcery and ideology of K�m�d-D�n ("the Shadow Path"), as conceived and practiced at our Black Sanctum. It is the foundational document of Borz�m-G�z�l--the Order of the Black Sun--which hereby supersedes and encompasses all other Orders and ideologies propagated previously by the Dark Lords. As the founders of this Order, we record these thoughts so that others may know why it came into existence and what its "terrible truths" consist of.We offer this book not as idle philosophy or mysticism, but as a call to re-examine reality and your place within it. It comes from the endarkened minds of two who have had close encounters with the Black Sun's power and returned as darker, stranger beings, with a message for others. For we have walked under the Shadow for many years, and wish to convey some of what we have learned to those who would follow in our footsteps.In a world of Shadow-blind sleepers, may this book awaken a chosen few, open their Third Eyes to the Black Sun and bring them under its Shadow. May it inspire them to join the ranks of our invisible Empire and leave behind the White Sunlit world of illusions forever. May the Black Sun burn a hole in your mind as it has ours, giving you the eyes to see a new path, and the strength to walk it onward forever, into the infinite Darkness.Borz�m-r�k �m chod! (Black Sun power to you!)K�rzathor and Ravuk, Founders and Dark Lords of the Order of the Black SunYear 8 of the Black Sun Aeon

  • | Author: Dark Lords
  • | Publisher: Independently published
  • | Publication Date: Mar 01, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 172 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1798485613
  • | ISBN-13: 9781798485613
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