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Strategy, National Interests, And Means To An End

Strategy, National Interests, And Means To An End

ISBN-13: 9781312298859
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This paper focuses on the interrelationship among national interests, stated ends, means to achieve those ends, and the strategies required to tie all of them together into a cohesive and effective vision for the commitment of U.S. forces. The introduction addresses the current U.S. debate regarding proposed actions in the Iraq War and postulates that the lack of true strategic discussion, particularly by our national leadership who instead prefer to focus on far less appropriate discussions such as tactics and techniques, inhibits the development of a comprehensive and effective overarching vision and ultimately is to blame for the setbacks that the U.S.-led coalition has experienced in Iraq. This lack of strategic foresight, however, is not surprising and has become endemic to American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War. The fact that so much of U.S. post-Cold War foreign policy involves interventions merely exacerbates the difficulties a lack of strategic foresight engenders.

  • Author: Stephen D. Sklenka, Strategic Studies Institute
  • Publisher: Lulu.Com
  • Publication Date: Jun 22, 2014
  • Number of Pages: 32 pages
  • Language: English
  • Binding: Paperback
  • ISBN-10: 1312298855
  • ISBN-13: 9781312298859
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